I was doing some writing earlier today (the kind that will hopefully bring home some bacon) and have been unable to vent my disgust at the "cartoonists" Danziger, Oliphant and Trudeau's stabs at Condoleeza Rice until this moment. And I am smoking from the ears at this one.
I first heard reports about their disgusting displays of outright bigotry this morning on Rush Limbaugh, and, as promised, he has posted the offending cartoons on his site. As I discussed yesterday, Ms. Rice is more than qualified for the position of Secretary of State and the lefty talking points that refer to her as some sort of puppet for Bush to manipulate are nothing short of offensive. And, as Rush pointed out this morning, the last (and first) female Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, was certainly not shy about agreeing with her boss. She vociferously did her best to defend Bill Clinton's actions, including supporting his insistence that he did "not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky". She went to bat for him on more than one occasion, and I didn't hear those Democratic Senators calling her Clinton's "yes" woman at the time.
Why is it that the loathsome left still cannot accept Bush's re-election and just step back and figure out what they stand for? Or which battles are truly important to them and their party? To oppose the confirmation of a prominent, qualified black woman to one of the highest cabinet offices should require some sort of factual basis for that opposition - not a racist cartoon of Condi-as-Butterfly McQueen (with reference to "Miss Scah-let, I don't know nuthin' 'bout birthin' no babies...") by the repugnant Danziger, syndicated in major newspapers.
I thought the Democrats identified themselves as the party that fights for the rights of minorities in this country, yet they impugn and eviscerate any prominent, well-educated person of color or Hispanic origin who is nominated for higher office in this country. Witness the filibuster of Miguel Estrada's nomination to the DC Court of Appeals for more than two years, culminating in his withdrawal from the nomination process - an understandable move that dismayed Republicans and Hispanics across the country and was chalked up as a victory for the filibustering Dems in the Senate. They couldn't bring themselves to allow the vote that would have confirmed Mr. Estrada's nomination - they didn't have the vote, so they acted like a bunch of spoiled brats, stomping their feet on the Senate floor until Estrada could take no more. For shame.
And now, Condoleeza Rice, a hard-working, black woman, who has done nothing but serve her country with honor, is treated horribly in disgraceful caricatures by cartoonists who are syndicated in such newspapers as the New York Times and the Washington Post. Where is the protest and condemnation of these caricatures by prominent Democrats? Can you imagine if Rush Limbaugh drew a cartoon along the same vein during a Democratic president's cabinet selection process? You get the picture. Michelle Malkin has some extra links on the cartoonists (she calls them "liberal cartoonists in hoods") and her take on this story.
Yet another example of the disgraceful double standard of the left.
Yet again, their hypocracy knows no bounds. I too listened to Rush and you cannot grasp the full scope of racism by his explaination of the drawings. You have to see them for yourself. They are a disgusting display of bigotry and hatefullness, yet "liberals" are showing no outrage. What this nation IS obsessed with, however, is the promo for Monday Night Football. Apparently Nicolette Sheridan's bare-back and aggressive sexual inuendo towards Terrell Owens (a black athlete)is more important than blantent racism in the mainstream media.
Posted by: Teri | November 18, 2004 at 12:53 PM
ALL Republicans are racists - especially those of color. Bush's highest numbers were in the whitest states and the states with the low intelligence scores per capita. The correlations are inarguable.
Posted by: T R Black | November 23, 2004 at 06:27 PM